Region Guria
Citrus groves, snowy mountains, sandy beaches and complaisant hosts – Guria suggests all these to you. Music and singing play a significant role in Gurian culture, where people are used to have conversations in humorous verse. The astonishing, Krimanchuli singing style comes from here, when up to seven various voices harmonize in a chaotic yet awe inspiring feat of musical agility – you have never heard anything like it. Another Gurian favorite and special song is Naduri, which is performed while working in the fields. Traditionally, the song would last for longer than an hour and more than 200 people sang it together during work.
There are no big towns in Guria, but that is more than made up for by the hundreds of scenic countrysides that dot the landscape. The warm, humid climate here during most of the year led to the development of a fascinating folk style, with sensitively carved wooden houses perched on brick columns to increase air flow. To this day, there are all villages built in this fascinating way.
Ureki is a little town located in Ozurgeti. It is a seaside climatic resort with wet subtropical climate. It is popular for its magnetic sand and recommended for the therapy of cardiovascular diseases.
Another climatic resort village Nabeglavi is located in Chokhatauri. This place contains mineral water like Borjomi and is recommended as drinking healing water.
Bakhmaro is a high mountain climatic resort in Chokhatauri, in Bakhvisckali river’s coomb. Area of Bakhmaro is a cave surrounded by evergreen fir trees.
One of the unique landmarks is Church of Achi which was constructed in XIII-XIV centuries, and is located 9 km away from Ozurgeti town. The legend says that supernatural being called Daeva was menacing Achi village. The inhabitants of village prayed and pleaded to Saint George for saving their village, so he killed Daeva. After that thankful inhabitants constructed this church and dedicated it to St. George.
Another sight, Jumati Church of Saint Michael and Gabriel is situated on Guria territory, Dzirijumati village. Date of foundation is unknown. Church of Jumati is known for its antique icons, interesting inscriptions of historical people and dates. There was also precious Saint George’s icon which according to scientists was made in XI-XII centuries. However, this icon was stolen in 1921, and haven’t been found so far.
Monastic Complex of St. John the Baptist of the Desert is situated in Chokhatauri, north from Shuaganakhleba countryside. Monastic complex contains two churches; one of them is constructed in the rocks of the mountain. Date of foundation is unknown but the scientists believe churches could be constructed in the 6th century.
Desert Monastery of Saint John the Baptist was rich with its library. There was also important fund of books. These books were sacrificed by Imeretian kings, queens and others.
Princedom of Guria – State in the territory of the historical area of Guria in western Georgia in XIV – XIX centuries.
One of the branches of the dynasty Vardanidze - Dadiani known as Gurieli is functioning. In addition to Guria, the Princedom of Guria involved Acar with the city of Batumi. In the XV-XVIII centuries rulers of Principality of Guria, with altering success have been struggling with the Ottoman Empire over its southern province. In the middle of the XVI century Ottoman forces conquered the region Chanet and intruded Acar. In 1609, Gurian princes went back to Batumi, but in the XVIII century Acar from Batumi, Kobuleti and Gino were conquered by the Turks. During the anti-Ottoman wars and fight Principality of Guria fell into disintegration, resulting in his re-princes became vassals of the kings of Imereti.
After the entry of Georgia to Russia between the Russian Empire and Gurian prince on 19 June 1810 was awarded an agreement under which the Princedom of Guria passed under Russian protectorship, and announced self-governing possession. But in 1828 during the reign of the last prince of David Gurieli independence of the princedom was finally cancelled.